πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ @muchloveforhacker - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

i need an angsty matt "i miss you im sorry" fic from you!

I MISS YOU I’M SORRY {{ matt sturniolo }}

summary β€” matt and y/n, in the heat of a fierce argument, carelessly discarded their relationship as if it held no significance. it was only in the quiet moments of absence and longing that they came to understand the true value of what they had lost.

β€” angst (happy ending)

warnings :: smashing plates?

a/n ,, i forgot to post and ended up playing imsg games 😁

the apartment, once a haven of shared dreams and whispered promises, now felt like a battlefield scarred by countless unspoken words and unresolved conflicts.

the air was thick with a palpable tension, a suffocating weight that had been accumulating over days, weeks, perhaps even months. each corner of the room seemed to echo with the ghosts of happier times, now overshadowed by the looming presence of inevitable change.

you stood by the kitchen counter, your hands trembling slightly as you tried to steady yourself. the cool surface beneath your fingertips offered little comfort, a stark contrast to the storm raging within.

every breath felt labored, each heartbeat echoing like a drum in the silence, as if the very walls were closing in, bearing witness to your inner turmoil. the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions pressed down on you, making the simple act of standing a monumental task. "matt, we need to talk about this. we can't keep pretending everything is fine."

matt paced the room, his frustration palpable. each step he took seemed to reverberate through the floorboards, a testament to the storm brewing inside him. his movements were restless, almost frantic, as if he were a caged animal seeking an escape.

the furrow in his brow deepened with every pass, and his clenched fists betrayed the intensity of his inner struggle. the air around him crackled with unspoken tension, a silent cry for resolution in a world that seemed to offer none. "talk? what good is talking, you? we've been talking for months, and look where it's gotten us!" his voice was a mixture of anger and desperation.

your eyes welled up with tears, but you refused to let them fall. the sting of unshed tears blurred your vision, creating a shimmering veil that only heightened the emotional turmoil within.

each blink was a battle, a desperate attempt to maintain composure in the face of overwhelming sorrow. the lump in your throat grew tighter, a silent testament to the strength it took to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to break free.

the weight of unspoken words and suppressed feelings pressed heavily on your chest, making every breath a conscious effort. "i just want us to be happy again. i want us to find a way back to each other."

matt stopped pacing and turned to face you, his eyes burning with disappointment. the intensity of his gaze felt like a scorching flame, searing through the fragile veneer of your composure.

his movements, once restless, now stilled with a gravity that seemed to pull the very air from the room. the silence that followed was heavy, laden with the weight of unspoken accusations and shattered expectations.

his expression, a complex tapestry of hurt and frustration, spoke volumes more than words ever could, leaving you to grapple with the raw, unfiltered emotion that hung between you like a dark cloud. "happy? how can we be happy when every day feels like a struggle? when every conversation turns into a fight?" his voice cracked, revealing the depth of his pain.

you took a step closer, reaching out a hand. the distance between you seemed to shrink and expand all at once, each movement laden with a mix of hope and trepidation. your hand, trembling slightly, extended like a lifeline through the charged atmosphere, a silent plea for connection amidst the storm of emotions.

the space between you crackled with unspoken words and unresolved tension, every inch forward a testament to your courage and vulnerability. the soft, hesitant gesture carried the weight of a thousand unsaid apologies and a yearning for solace, bridging the chasm that had grown between your hearts. "matt, please. we can work through this. we just need to try."

but matt's frustration boiled over. in a sudden, impulsive movement, he grabbed a plate from the counter and hurled it against the wall. the sound of shattering porcelain echoed through the apartment, a stark contrast to the silence that followed.

his face contorted with rage and despair, each shard of the broken plate reflecting the fragments of his shattered composure. the violent act seemed to hang in the air, a tangible manifestation of the turmoil within him. the silence that ensued was thick, almost suffocating, as if the very walls held their breath, bearing witness to the raw, unfiltered outburst of emotion.

"try? i'm tired of trying! i'm tired of feeling like i'm never enough for you!" his voice was raw, filled with years of pent-up emotion.

you flinched at the sound of the breaking dish, your heart breaking a little more with each piece that hit the floor. the sharp, jarring noise seemed to pierce through your very soul, each fragment of porcelain a painful reminder of the fractured bond between you.

your body instinctively recoiled, as if attempting to shield itself from the emotional shrapnel. the room felt colder, the air heavier, as the gravity of the moment settled upon you.

the delicate dance of hope and despair played out in the silence that followed, each heartbeat echoing the silent plea for reconciliation amidst the chaos. "matt, it's not about you being enough. it's about us finding a way to be enough for each other."

matt's shoulders slumped, the anger giving way to a deep, aching disappointment. "i just... i don't know if we can, y/n. i don't know if we have anything left to give."

you stepped closer, your voice soft but determined. the space between you seemed to pulse with unspoken words and unresolved tension, each step forward a testament to your resolve.

"we do, matt. we have love. and maybe that's enough to start with." your voice, though gentle, carried the weight of your emotions, a delicate blend of compassion and unwavering strength.

the air around you thickened, charged with the intensity of the moment, as your words sought to bridge the chasm that had grown between you. every syllable was a lifeline, a beacon of hope amidst the storm of emotions, striving to pierce through the fog of misunderstanding and reach the heart that had turned away.

the room fell silent again, the shattered pieces of your argument lying on the floor, waiting to be picked up. the air was heavy with the remnants of harsh words and unspoken truths, each fragment a testament to the intensity of your clash.

as matt looked into your eyes, he saw a glimmer of hope, a small but powerful reminder of why you had fought so hard to begin with.

that flicker of light, amidst the ruins of your dispute, held the promise of reconciliation and the enduring strength of your bond. it was a silent acknowledgment that beneath the storm lay a foundation built on love and resilience, ready to be mended and made whole once more.

the apartment, heavy with the weight of unsaid words, seemed to close in around you both. the silence was deafening, broken only by the distant hum of the city outside. the walls, once a sanctuary, now felt like a cage, trapping the lingering tension between you.

the oppressive quiet pressed down, amplifying the unspoken emotions that hung in the air. every creak of the floorboards, every distant car horn, seemed to underscore the vast chasm that had opened up between you. the city’s distant murmur was a cruel reminder of the world continuing on, indifferent to the turmoil within these four walls, where the echoes of your silence spoke volumes.

matt took a deep breath, his eyes searching yours for something he could no longer find. "y/n... i don't think i can do this anymore."

your heart skipped a beat, a cold wave of fear washing over you. "what do you mean, matt? we can still fix this. we just need time."

he shook his head, his expression one of resigned sorrow. "it's not about time. it's about realizing that sometimes, love isn't enough. we've tried, and we've fought, but it's only made things worse."

tears streamed down your face now, unchecked and unstoppable. "so, what are you saying? that we should just give up? throw everything away?"

matt's voice was barely above a whisper, each word a dagger to your heart. "i think it's time we let each other go. maybe then, we can find the happiness we've been searching for, even if it's not together."

you felt the ground shift beneath you, the foundation of your world crumbling. "matt, please... don't do this. we can still find a way."

he stepped forward, gently cupping your face in his hands. "i'll always love you, you. but sometimes, love means knowing when to walk away. it's the hardest thing i've ever had to do, but i think it's the right thing."

you closed your eyes, leaning into his touch one last time. "i don't know how to say goodbye."

matt pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, his own tears mingling with yours. "neither do i. but maybe, this isn't goodbye. maybe it's just... see you later."

with that, he turned and walked towards the door, each step echoing the finality of his decision. you stood there, watching him leave, your heart shattering into pieces as the door closed behind him.

the apartment, once filled with dreams and laughter, now felt like a hollow shell. and as you sank to the floor, sobbing, you realized that sometimes, the hardest battles are the ones we fight within ourselves.

you took a deep breath, trying to steady the tumultuous emotions raging within. the apartment, once your sanctuary, now felt like a battlefield, each corner echoing with memories of happier times now overshadowed by the present conflict.

the weight of unspoken words pressed down on you, making it hard to breathe. the air was thick with tension, a palpable force that seemed to wrap around your chest, squeezing tighter with each passing second.


it had been exactly three months since the breakup with matt, and to say you weren’t doing the best would be an understatement. the days had blurred into a monotonous haze, each one a silent testament to the void he had left behind.

your heart, once a vibrant tapestry of shared dreams and whispered promises, now felt like a barren landscape, yearning for the rain that never came.

you've sought solace in the offices of every therapist in town, but nothing seemed to mend the wounds like matt's warm embrace and gentle words once did.

each session felt like a hollow echo, lacking the comfort and reassurance that his presence had effortlessly provided. his praises and tender whispers had been a balm to your soul, something no amount of clinical advice could replicate.

all you needed was him. you missed him with an ache that words could scarcely capture, and you were prepared to move mountains, to traverse deserts of doubt and uncertainty, to do everything in your power to bring him back into your life. the void left by his absence was a chasm you were determined to bridge, no matter the cost.

you rose from your bed, hastily donning the first outfit that came to hand, a sense of urgency propelling your every movement.

you walked out of your room, the quiet hum of the house enveloping you, and as you passed by the kitchen, an inadvertent misstep brought a sharp, searing painβ€”your foot had found an errant glass shard, hidden in the shadows of your hurry.

you glanced downward, your gaze locking onto the shattered remnants of the plate. kneeling slowly, you gingerly picked up the broken piece, the jagged edges a cruel reminder of fragility. as you held it, tears welled up in your eyes, the weight of the moment pressing down upon you.

you found yourself paralyzed, unable to muster the will to clean it up. it wasn't just a broken plate; it was the last thing of yours that matt had touched. the memory of his hands, once so familiar and warm, now felt like a ghostly presence, making the task feel insurmountable.

it wasn't exactly a symbol of innocence, but it somehow tethered you to the very notion of it. his touch, now a distant memory, evoked a sense of purity and untainted moments, a stark contrast to the complexity of your emotions. the only thing his touch would ever remind you of was innocence, a fleeting whisper of simpler times.

you sighed deeply, the weight of your emotions pressing down on your chest. rising slowly, you let the shard of glass slip from your fingers, watching as it fell to the ground with a muted clink. as you walked out of your apartment, each step felt like a departure from a chapter you weren't ready to close.

the ride down in the elevator was excruciatingly silent, a void filled with the echoes of your thoughts. you rarely took the elevator; it was an unspoken rule. you and matt would always opt for the stairs, his aversion to the confined space of the elevator a shared quirk that now felt like a distant memory.

as soon as the elevator doors parted with a soft chime, you stepped out into the dimly lit corridor. the tears clung to your lashes, and with a trembling hand, you wiped them away, each step towards your car feeling heavy with the weight of unspoken sorrow.

you slipped into the driver's seat, the familiar scent of the car mingling with your tumultuous thoughts. as you gripped the steering wheel, you found yourself lost in contemplation, the myriad of choices and their consequences swirling in your mind before you finally turned the key in the ignition.

his house lay but a short distance from your apartment, a fortunate proximity given the haze of your thoughts. before you could fully grasp the passage of time, you found yourself already at his doorstep, the journey a blur of fleeting moments.

you pulled into his driveway, the gravel crunching softly beneath your tires as you came to a stop. after parking your car, you stepped out, the cool night air brushing against your skin as you made your way towards the doorstep, each step echoing with anticipation.

you stood there, the weight of the moment pressing down on you, as you exhaled a shaky breath. with a sense of trepidation, you slowly raised your hand, each movement deliberate, and finally pressed the doorbell, the sound resonating through the stillness.

you stood in silence, the seconds stretching into an eternity, as the unanswered doorbell echoed in the stillness. the quiet seemed to amplify your anticipation, each moment passing without a response heightening the tension in the air.

perhaps they weren't home, the house standing silent and unyielding. perhaps now was not the opportune moment, the timing of your arrival misaligned with the currents of fate.

you shook your head, a sigh escaping your lips as you turned to walk away. just then, the door swung open with a suddenness that caught you off guard, halting your retreat and pulling you back into the moment.

your head turned, drawn by an invisible force, towards the silhouette standing in the doorway, its form outlined by the soft glow of light spilling from within.


he himself appeared far from well, his visage marked by deep, shadowy bags under his eyes, a stark testament to sleepless nights. his hair, a tangled mess, seemed to have been untouched by a comb for days, each strand standing in chaotic rebellion. his overall demeanor exuded a sense of weariness, as though the weight of countless burdens had etched themselves into his very being.

β€œy/n?” he whispered, his voice a mere breath of sound, like the rustling of leaves in a distant forest, barely audible yet laden with unspoken emotions and hidden depths.

β€œmatt," you began, your voice barely a whisper, β€œi’m so sorry. i miss you so much.” the words felt heavy, laden with the regret and sorrow that had been building up inside you. β€œi know talking seems pointless right now, but i can’t do this alone.”

matt's gaze, intense and unyielding, bore into yours, as if trying to unravel the depths of your soul with each passing second. the melancholy in his gaze was almost too much to bear, but you pressed on. β€œi know i’ve made mistakes, and i know i’ve hurt you. the tension between us, the unresolved conflicts... it's all my fault. i let my fears and insecurities get the better of me, and i pushed you away when i should have been holding you closer."

your voice wavered, but you forced yourself to continue. β€œi miss the way we used to be, the way we could talk about anything and everything. i miss the laughter, the shared dreams, and the whispered promises. but most of all, i miss you. the real you, the one who loves me despite my flaws."

tears threatened to spill over, but you blinked them back, determined to stay strong. β€œi want to fix this, matt. i want to work through our problems and come out stronger on the other side. i know it won't be easy, and i know it will take time, but i’m willing to do whatever it takes. please, give us another chance."

you reached out, your hand trembling as it found his. the touch was tentative, a fragile bridge between your hearts. β€œi love you, matt. and I believe we can get through this, together. we just need to take that first step, to start healing the wounds we've inflicted on each other."

in that moment, the vast expanse of the world seemed to dissolve, leaving only the two of you suspended in a timeless void, teetering on the precipice of a new beginning. the universe held its breath, as if acknowledging the profound significance of this fragile, yet pivotal, instant.

matt's eyes softened, the fiery anger slowly dissolving into a deep, aching sadness that mirrored the storm within your own heart. he took a tentative step closer, his movements deliberate and filled with unspoken emotion. his hand, trembling slightly, reached up to gently cup your cheek, his touch a tender balm against the raw wounds of your shared past.

the warmth of his skin sent a shiver cascading down your spine, a poignant reminder of the undeniable connection that still pulsed between you, fragile yet unbroken.

"i miss you too," he murmured, his voice a mere whisper carried on the fragile wings of a sigh. "i miss us. but we can’t continue this cycle of pain and sorrow, tearing each other apart with every step we take."

his words hung in the air, a delicate truce between your aching hearts. you nodded, the tears finally spilling over like a long-awaited rain, as you leaned into his touch, seeking solace in the warmth of his hand. "i know," you whispered, your voice trembling with both hope and fear, "but we can change. we can learn from this and grow stronger together, like two trees whose roots intertwine, supporting each other through every storm."

matt's other hand found yours, fingers intertwining in a silent promise that spoke volumes. "let's take it one day at a time," he said, his voice steadier now, a newfound resolve coloring his words. "let's rebuild what we've lost, piece by precious piece, like artisans restoring a shattered mosaic to its former glory."

you nodded again, a glimmer of hope sparking in your chest like the first light of dawn. "one day at a time," you agreed, your voice filled with determination and resolve. "we'll get through this, together, like travelers navigating the winding paths of a dense forest, finding our way back to the light."

in that moment, the world seemed to exhale, the tension easing as you both took the first tentative steps toward healing. the journey ahead would undoubtedly be long and fraught with challenges, but with each other's unwavering support, you felt a newfound strength. together, you could overcome any obstacle, like two weary travelers finding solace in each other's presence as they navigate the treacherous terrain of life.

πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ @muchloveforhacker - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.